
SEO Strategies for Real Estate Businesses

Mass digitalization has encouraged businesses of all sizes to move online, and real estate is no exception. The real estate business is very lucrative till you know how to leverage the resources optimally. And by resources, we predominantly mean the digital platform. 

Statistics reveal that 47% of homebuyers begin their property search online.

real estate seo strategy

Thus, to be a successful real estate agent or company in the highly competitive digital marketplace, you must know the current trends and strategies that will consequently boost your growth.

Therefore, having a website does not reap optimal benefits until you have a competent digital expert team providing robust SEO services! Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the foundation of marking a potential online presence.

No matter what the size of your business is, you must have a good search result ranking to attract potential leads. Until you have increased visibility, you cannot make it through the rat race!

In this blog, we will highlight the SEO strategies essential to growing and expanding your real estate business. If you still haven’t opted for real estate SEO, it will be a helpful discussion to provide insights into the matter.

So, let’s begin the SEO journey!

Why is Real Estate SEO Necessary?

Now, before digging into the SEO strategies, let us begin with the basics- why is real estate SEO necessary? As you know, SEO is the process of optimizing your website and other online content to rank higher in the search engine results page (SERP) to boost traffic drive and enhance online visibility

It is a long-term strategy which does not offer you results overnight! However, over time, you will experience positive outcomes when you begin appearing at the top search results! SEO for real estate is one of the most reliable ways to accomplish your business goals. The results are long-lasting, but you must keep updated with the changing trends. Or else no sooner will you notice losing your spot!

We now know what SEO is. But why does a real estate business need it? Here are the reasons:

  • Boost Organic Traffic- SEO’s fundamental benefit is increasing organic traffic coming to your site. By optimizing your web content, you improve your search engine ranking, which directly influences online visibility. The higher your rank, the better the click-through rate. Therefore, to take your real estate business to the next level, SEO is necessary to improve traffic drive.
  • Generate Leads- What happens when you receive more organic traffic? It boosts your chances of attracting the right audiences. This means that you generate more potential leads encouraging a higher conversion rate. Real estate SEO strategy focuses on getting qualified leads from other resourceful sources, maximizing conversions.
  • Enhance Brand Awareness- Can there be any better way for brand exposure? In this era, the answer is no! We rely on the digital platform to discover new products, services, and brands. It is a powerful tool for promoting businesses. Undoubtedly, SEO plays a critical role in exposing your brand or business globally. Nobody will know about your real estate business until you are found online!
  • Increase Revenue- When you receive more qualified leads, the chances of conversion become higher. More conversion means more revenue. Targeting niche audiences through SEO is one of the effective measures to earn better quality leads or audiences willing to become clients. You do not have to worry much about convincing the audiences who are already interested in your product(s) or service(s). SEO assures you a higher return on investment (ROI).
  • Manage Brand Reputation- An impressive benefit of real estate SEO is that you can manage your online brand reputation by replying to reviews or answering questions. A positive review can have an influential impact on your brand’s reputation. It encourages others to make a purchase. Similarly, you can promptly reply to negative feedback and promote better consumer support. Either way, managing online reputation becomes much easier with effective SEO.

Hence, there is no doubt that SEO is the modern-day online marketing tool that assures promising results over time. It is an unavoidable element for brand promotion and boosting sales. 

Nonetheless, with too much information out there, you really must know which ones will fit best to meet the needs of your target audiences. Clearing up the dilemma, we have listed the top digital marketing strategies that will guide you through the process. Keep reading to learn about them.

Real Estate SEO Strategies

When the real estate marketplace is constantly changing, it is necessary you build a functional SEO strategy that will tailor your content to complement the evolving trends. In this way, you can make your marketing and sales funnel impactful. SEO helps in creating new entry points for leads to enter the funnel. This, in turn, guides the users directly to the conversion points on your site. 

Therefore, implementing the right SEO strategies is a prerequisite to boosting success in your real estate business.

10 Unmissable Real Estate SEO Strategies

Following are the unmissable strategies for SEO for real estate business:

  • Perform Website Audit

Every SEO strategy begins with a thorough website audit. Why is it necessary? A doctor cannot recommend treatment until he performs a check-up to probe into the problems and symptoms. A website audit has a similar function. It helps in detecting the strengths and weaknesses of your website. In other words, an audit evaluates the performance of your site, increasing the scope of improvements.

You can always refine your strategies if they are not offering the desired results. Website design, page speed, on-page SEO, technical SEO, content quality, user experience and accessibility are the primary metrics assessed through a website audit. Thus, it evaluates the overall performance of your website based on which you can optimize your strategies. 

  • Competitor Analysis

Knowing your competitors is necessary to understand who your challenges are. How can you construct a plan until you know your competition? Maybe you know the names of your industry competitors, but that is not enough. Comprehending their SEO strategy is the best way to understand what is working for them. Competition can vary from keyword to keyword!

Therefore, to acquire a complete insight into the scenario, conducting a competitor analysis is mandatory. You can learn from their gains and misses! The structure of their or even the type of content they are publishing- everything matters when you are building your action plan! 

  • Keyword Research

When aiming to reach the top of the search results, you must use valuable keywords in your website and other web content. What do we mean by valuable keywords? These are the keywords that are most searched by users on search engines. So, you must target those real estate keywords possessing high search volume and competition.

You can find such valuable keywords through keyword research using various platforms like Google Search Console, Google Trends, Keyword Tool, and others. You can even check the keywords you are already ranking for. Uncovering the top keywords can change the game entirely! Believe us!

  • Create High-Quality Content

The primary element in SEO is content. It is the determining factor for the search engine ranking of your real estate website. Creating high-quality content is the foremost priority of SEO. Today, content marketing strategy is significantly influential due to the massive exposure to diverse digital platforms. Users find more information on the Internet than anywhere else! Hence, ignoring the importance of high-quality content will be your greatest mistake!

We have been talking about high-quality content; do you know what that implies? Your content must be relevant, informative, well-formatted, and readable, providing a good user experience. Your audiences must find it useful and valuable. The power of content is immense until you experience it!

  • Use Real Estate Agents Schema Markup

Schema markup is also known as structured data. You can use this code in your website’s HTML to enable search engines to easily comprehend the information on your website. It helps the users to find the accurate information they are looking for. In other words, whenever you add real estate agents schema markup, your website appears instantly for a relevant search.

For real estate businesses, there are two types of schema markup- real estate listing and real estate agent. Whichever schema markup you use, your website will significantly benefit from it. You may even be able to replace a featured snippet. How does that sound?

  • Local SEO

Never should you forget that to establish globally, you must first establish locally. You must build local market dominance before you target reaching audiences at other locations. And don’t you think it is easy! The competition is tough, especially for startups and small-scale real estate businesses. So, a Google My Business (GMB) listing is a must-have to appear in the local search results. About 98% of consumers search online for local businesses (2023). We are sure the numbers will increase this year!

The GMB listing includes your company’s name, category, description, location, and contact details. A fully optimized GMB profile will help you rank high in the local searches. Apart from that, Google Maps optimization is another effective approach that enables potential leads to locate your business conveniently. It establishes trust and credibility as they find your business authentic. An accessible physical presence vouches for legitimacy. 

  • Generate Backlinks 

Getting referrals from other trusted sites works wonders in search engine ranking and increasing organic traffic. It is predominantly done through link-building strategies where you get other websites to link to your web pages. What happens through the link-building process? You receive high-quality inbound links (backlinks), which mark the authority of your web pages in search engines. Therefore, you establish trust and credibility as audiences find your business reputed and reliable.

These backlinks act as a “vote of confidence”- an essential element to encourage digital dominance. They validate the existence and authority of your business. So, how do you generate backlinks? There are multiple ways to get resourceful backlinks like guest blogging, publishing Skyscraper content, resource pages, broken links, etc. 

  • Optimize Website for Mobile Search

 Mobile web traffic accounts for nearly 60% of the total web traffic. It is not surprising that the numbers will rise in the following years. And more than 57% of the local searches come from mobile users. Therefore, your website must be mobile-friendly to reach maximum target audiences. It is highly essential because Google automatically crawls and indexes mobile-friendly websites first using mobile bots. These bots handle your website as a mobile device. Hence, you must focus on optimizing your website for mobile devices and tablets.

Developing a responsive layout, increasing page speed, compressing images, optimizing pop-ups, using readable font, and changing button size and placement are the significant strategies employed to improve mobile-friendliness. So, focus on mobile search to not miss out on a large percentage of your target audiences! 

  • Test and Tweak 

There are no set rules for a successful real estate SEO strategy! What works for others may not work for you! The only way to find the right recipe for a delicious meal is to experiment with the ingredients! And that is exactly what you must do- test and tweak your strategies. The secret to improving the conversion rate is continuous improvisation of the techniques and testing their performance. In this way, you will stay updated with the changing trends and receive better results.

The goal is to attract more organic traffic and enhance user experience. It aids higher chances of conversions and sales. Therefore, never stop experimenting!

  • Track Performance

After implementing the strategies, how do you know the results? You need SEO analysis or monitoring of the performance of your SEO strategies. It provides a better understanding of how well your website has been optimized and what you should do to improve its effectiveness. Using various key performance indicators (KPIs), you can track your website’s performance. The KPIs are the metrics providing insights into the results.

KPIs basically comprise search engine ranking, organic traffic, user experience, session duration, click-through rate, bounce rate, and conversion rate. These are the fundamental factors that determine whether you have accomplished your SEO goal(s).

Well, now you know what makes up a good SEO strategy for real estate businesses. Unfortunately, some business owners may still be dubious about whether it is worth all the investment- time and money! We will come to that in the next section.

The ROI of Real Estate SEO

1,389% is the average ROI of real estate SEO for 10 months. Does it sound appealing? The longer you run your SEO campaign, the higher the ROI! Another interesting fact is that SEO drives 300% more traffic than any other social media campaign. The long-term SEO game assures increased profits over time, and you will genuinely want to take the long shot!


Opting for best SEO packages from a reputed service provider will be the best thing you can do to boost your business growth. There is no better way to become digitally recognized than to employ dedicated SEO strategies for real estate businesses. You get traffic, higher ranking, more leads, increased conversions, better brand exposure, and boosted revenue. What more do you ask for? So, are you ready to make a glorious start to 2024?


SEO Audit Checklist 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

SEO Marketing Company IndiaA good search engine optimization (SEO) strategy can indeed change the online game drastically. By game, we mean online visibility and traffic drive to any webpage or website. However, what if you do not receive the expected results? In other words, your website rank is nowhere within the top three options on the search engine results page (SERP).

Perhaps, a thorough SEO audit can fix the issues and get your web page ahead of the competition. Search engine optimization audit is the fundamental requisite to inspect the various technical and on-page issues affecting your website’s SEO health!

So today, we will talk about the diverse aspects of SEO audit checklists and the ways to perform them. We assure you will no longer fret about your website’s ranking!

1. SEO Audit: Significance and Impact

What do you understand by audit? In general, it means to examine or investigate. Similarly, an SEO audit indicates the assessment of a website in the aspect of its search engine friendliness.
When a website is search engine friendly, it enables easy indexing. It means the website is content-rich, and a search engine can derive high-quality information from it. Thus, a search engine can easily organize information, allowing instantaneous query responses.

In simple terms, you call a website optimized when it is easily discoverable by a search engine.

So, a search engine optimization audit is important because:

  • It helps in optimizing a website
  • Aids in attaining higher SERP rankings
  • Keeps a website up-to-date through advanced developments
  • It allows a website to stay in sync with the ranking algorithm

Hence, it is evident that an SEO audit is a health checkup of your website’s SEO! The process utilizes various tools to monitor the essential parameters for effective SEO.

Before further delay, let us focus on the SEO checklist responsible for your website’s performance.

2. Preparing for an SEO Audit

Since an audit proposes insights about improving your SEO strategies for enhanced site performance, it is based on gathering essential data and analytics. For a proactive, comprehensive site structure evaluation, Google Search Console and Google Analytics are the primary tools used to collect a website’s analytics data. This data is the core of the audit process.

Apart from the analytics data, SEO Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are used to assess and measure an SEO campaign’s effectiveness and performance.

SEO KPIs play a significant role in:

  • Evaluating SEO effectiveness by accessing quantifiable data to track visibility, organic traffic, and conversion rates.
  • Comparing performance to improve and evolve.
  • Making strategic decisions through data insights.

Check out the top SEO KPIs of 2023:

i. Organic traffic
ii. Organic conversion rate
iii. Bounce rate
iv. Click-through rate (CTR)
v. Keyword rankings
vi. Load time
vii. Number of backlinks
viii. Domain authority
ix. Average session duration
x. Pageviews

Therefore, the analytics and KPIs are the cornerstone of SEO audit that help in reaching out to your target audience.

3. Technical SEO Checks

An SEO audit comprises technical and non-technical factors. Technical SEO analysis is specifically based on external components that have nothing to do with your website’s content or links. It revolves around the aspects affecting the visibility and accessibility of your website to search engines.

To simplify, a technical SEO audit monitors the indexing and crawling of a website. It substantially influences the user’s experience (UX). Thus, a technical audit evaluates the factors responsible for indexing, crawling, visibility, and UX.

So, how do you review your website’s technical SEO? Let us check it out.

  • Check the configuration and navigation of the website
  • Ensure that the website is registered with Google Search Console and Bing webmaster tools
  • Check for error pages and broken links
  • Review XML Sitemaps and robots.txt file of the website
  • Check whether the site has SEO-friendly URLs
  • Examine duplicate content and canonicalization
  • Review the HTTPS status of the website
  • Ensure the Breadcrumb menu is active
  • Check for mobile optimization
  • Whether the website’s 404 is customized

Note: A complete technical SEO audit takes only a few hours. It must be conducted every three months for effective results and enhanced performance.

4. On-Page SEO Analysis

On-page SEO audit is the most crucial segment of the entire audit process. It determines the optimization of your website content to boost visibility and improve target audience relevance.

Thus, after fixing the technical issues in the SEO audit, you need to focus on on-page SEO optimization to enable search engines to recognize your website’s content meaning. It is necessary that individual web pages must be fully optimized for search engine crawlers to receive the right signals.

On-page SEO audit is performed in the following ways:

  • Optimize the titles and meta descriptions
  • Ensure that the website has proper formatting with an H1 tag and that the headings are organized as per hierarchy
  • Optimize the website’s content through keyword research
  • Review the internal linking structure for better search rank
  • Check the file names and alt tags for images, including the content delivery network (CDN).
  • Review the correct use of banner ads
  •  Check for broken links and duplicate content
  •  Examine the user-friendliness of the website

5. Content Quality and Relevance

In SEO, content is the king! It is the quality and relevance of content in any website that is extensively responsible for better search result ranking, higher organic traffic, and increased conversions. In other words, the better the content matches to search query, the better the ranking.

Therefore, content quality assessment is crucial to achieving the best SEO strategies. It dictates the website indexing factor. Apart from content, multimedia elements like images and videos are also part of a website. They provide additional text information, increasing content relevance.

Whenever there is a search query, search engines look for indexed websites that match the user’s requirements. The set algorithms evaluate the entire process. These algorithms generate search result rankings.

Now, what to look for in an SEO content audit?

i. Language– Assign content to a particular language or region.
ii. Text– The relevance of content to a search query.
iii. Title– It refers to the main topic of a website that acts as a relevance criterion.
iv. Multimedia– It indicates images, videos, and graphics in a website proposing extra text information while making the content more engaging.
v. Local terms- Using local terms depicting a particular region is an effective SEO strategy implementation.

6. Site Structure and Navigation Audit

A website structure, also called site architecture, affects SEO performance to a considerable extent. A well-structured website must have well-organized and well-connected pages for easy navigation and improved user experience.

How does site structure affect SEO?

  • Search engines can locate and index all the pages on the website
  • Generate authority through internal links
  • Visitors can easily find the relevant content

Typically, the internal links in a website comprise the site structure. These links help search engines find and rank web pages. The internal link structure is known as website navigation.

Hence, during an SEO audit, ensure the site structure complies with a well-established internal linking strategy for superior UX and potential SEO.

7. Mobile Optimization and Responsiveness Audit

Do you have a mobile-friendly website? It is a very relevant question if you are wondering why your website has a poor rank! In the present-day scenario, mobile devices are an essential tool to access the internet, social media, search engines, and other digital platforms.

It is best to say that without a smartphone, our lives are aimless! Hence, mobile optimization is of utmost necessity to boost the overall user experience and improve search engine rankings.

Your website must be designed to be responsive to various screen sizes, user interfaces, and loading speeds.

What happens when you have a mobile-optimized website?

i. Increased organic traffic
ii. Higher engagement
iii. Better conversion rate
Hence, alongside enhanced UX and search ranking, with mobile optimization, you receive better business!

8. Page Load Speed and Performance Audit

For an outstanding SEO result, page load speed is utterly necessary. It refers to the loading speed of content on a web page. Having a fast load speed results in higher rankings in SERP.

When users have to wait longer for a page to load, it contributes to a negative impression of their experience. Many may even prefer to leave the page and move to another site.

The prevalent metrics to determine the page speed are:

  • Time to First Byte (TTFB)- The time taken to begin page loading
  • First Content-ful Paint (FCP)- The time taken to view the first page element
  • Onload Time- The time taken to load a page fully

Now, let us consider the best tools used to analyze page speed during a search engine optimization audit:

i. Google PageSpeed Insights
ii. Google Lighthouse
iii. WebPage Test
iv. GTmetrix
v. Pingdom Website Speed Test
vi. Website Checker

There are solutions to improve the page load speed of a website. Check them out here:

  • Compress the images without compromising their quality
  • Use the right image formats like JPEG, PNG, and WebP
  • Minimize JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
  • Decrease HTTP requests
  • Implement a CDN (Content Delivery Network)
  • Allow browser caching

9. Backlink Profile and Authority

Backlink profile analysis is another significant checklist for an SEO audit. Backlinks are considered as votes of trust from other websites. The quality and quantity of backlinks determine the ranking of a web page. The more the backlinks, the higher the website rank.

Note: The quality of backlinks is more important than the quantity.
It is not necessary that too many backlinks can make a webpage rank high. Rather, a few high-quality backlinks can do wonders!
So, what determines a high-quality backlink?

i. Relevance
ii. Authority
iii. Dofollow links

As an element of off-page SEO, backlinks help increase visibility, create brand awareness, and enhance domain authority. Thus, identify the toxic links and examine your competitor’s backlink profile to improve your opportunities.

10. Social Media Integration

Social media do not directly influence the ranking of a website in SERPs. Nevertheless, social media integration for SEO indirectly affects visibility and organic search rankings through links and metrics. Likes, comments, and shares generate brand awareness, credibility, and consumer loyalty. Thus, it elevates traffic and visibility, influencing SERP rankings indirectly.

Also, social media plays a significant role in assessing a brand’s digital reputation.

Social media strategies that can improve SEO results include:

a. Unified keyword alignment
b. Social link-sharing buttons on the website
c. Include links in videos and presentations
d. Incorporate links in social profiles
e. Boost content creator’s profile
f. Build relationships
g. Use analytical tools to increase content engagement and lifespan
h. Optimize social media profiles
i. Generate links and social media scope
j. Boost positive acknowledgements

To conclude, integrating social media in SEO strategy is a fruitful tactic to lay a powerful online impact.

11. Local SEO and Geographic Targeting

Whenever performing an SEO audit, local SEO assessment is crucial for businesses targeting a particular geographic location. Optimizing your local SEO will lead to higher traffic, better leads, and more conversions. Hence, you can take complete advantage of the local market and target your competition.

Here is the checklist for local SEO audit:

  • Optimize GMB (Google My Business) listing
  • Optimize voice search
  • Collect and respond to customer reviews
  • Verify NAP (name, address, phone number) consistency in all listings
  • Assess local search rankings and citations
  • Create content based on local keywords

Local SEO is pretty lucrative when you follow the trends and keep updated!

12. User Experience (UX) and Engagement Metrics

SEO and user experience (UX) conclude a symbiotic relationship. Positive user experience implies visitors can easily find the information they are looking for. Thus, the better the UX, the better the SEO.
Bounce rate and page loading speed affect UX considerably. The former is a user engagement metric determining how quickly or frequently visitors bounce after viewing a single page. While the latter determines the loading speed of a page, which affects UX immensely.

So, how to determine UX and engagement metrics?

i. The average time on a page
ii. The dwell time on a page
iii. Click-through Rate (CTR)
iv. Bounce rate
v. Exit rate

All of the above user experience metrics can help you determine the SEO-ability of your website.

13. Security and HTTPS Implementation

For search engine optimization and rankings, website security and HTTPS implementation are vital as they promote a positive page experience, laying a comprehensive impact on SEO performance. Apart from establishing credibility, they help in website ranking improvement by reducing bounce rates. It also enhances visitor’s confidence resulting in higher conversions.

However, to implement HTTPS and SSL, you require an SSL certificate from a service provider. After installing the certificate on your server and updating URLs, you can use HTTPS.

Check out the ways to improve website security for better SEO performance:

  • Update software
  • Use secure host
  • Encrypt the login pages
  • Keep backup data
  • Use strong passwords
  • Keep the website clean

14. Monitoring and Reporting

For a comprehensive SEO audit, monitoring and reporting is essential to track the effectiveness of the applied strategies. There is always a scope to improve when you are aware of the lags and high points.
In general, SEO monitoring and reporting allow you to evaluate the SEO performance and understand the areas of improvement. Also, it helps in monitoring competitors, avoiding penalties, and, above all, improving SEO rankings.

The top SEO monitoring tools in 2023 are:

  • ContentKing
  • Seolyzer
  • Oncrawl
  • Seoability
  • Seomater
  • Ahrefs
  • Google Data Studio and Google Analytics
  • Moz Pro
  • SEMrush
  • Woorank

15. Staying Updated with SEO Trends

After you have collected all the data, it is time to focus on the emerging SEO trends and updates to monitor and evaluate the rising competition while improving website speed and organic search performance. From algorithm updates to innovative search intent tools, 2024 is a year to leverage SEO in the true sense!

We have introduced some of the most popular SEO trends at the present time. Let us have a look:

i. First-hand Experience (E-EAT: Experience, Expertise, Authority, Trust)
ii. Audience-targeted content
iii. Emphasis on content creator’s authority
iv. Quality and not quantity content
v. A.I content
vi. CTR and SERP changes
vii. SEO automation
viii. SEO competitor analysis
ix. Product page SEO
x. Integrated image SEO
xi. Reduced crawl frequency
xii. Fast load
xiii. High performance

When you weave these SEO trends, you can always enjoy the upper hand in the race!

16. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Why should I perform an SEO audit?
A. An SEO audit helps identify issues related to the website’s speed, performance, ranking, sitemaps, security, and others. It is a valuable way to diagnose problems so that you can fix them for the best results.

Q. What are the various types of SEO audits?
A. SEO audit involves technical SEO, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and local SEO. They provide insights into the overall performance of a website.

Q. How long does it take to perform an SEO audit?
A. Some audits may take several hours, while others may take 2 to 6 weeks. It depends on the size and complexity of the website.

Q. How often should I perform an SEO audit?
A. It is recommended to perform an SEO audit at least once every three months. It helps in improving SEO strategy effectiveness.


To wrap up, an SEO audit is the ultimate weapon to harness the real power of SEO best practices! Poor ranking, low visibility, less traffic, or reduced conversions, a comprehensive audit report can evaluate the problems and aid appropriate solutions. If you are worried about lower returns despite implementing a holistic SEO strategy, perhaps something is not working out right.

What best can you do to fix it? Of course, Ask us to perform an SEO audit!


How to Create a Content Marketing Strategy that Works

You have too much content in your hands but do not know how to work with them. Do you want to create brand awareness or generate leads? Are you unaware of how to use blogs or images for a potential content marketing strategy? You are perhaps not alone in this! Many website owners do not recognize the ideal use of content to achieve their goals.

Interestingly, studies revealed that content marketing has increased by 49% in rankings and traffic and by 53% engagement rate of websites. 

Not to forget, in SEO, we always prioritize the quality of content for search result rankings and driving traffic. In 2024, content marketing is more lucrative than ever! Content is the foundation of any digital marketing strategy. It is the content of your website that helps in ranking and increasing visibility, which is the primary goal of SEO.

A well-written content keeps your audiences informed about your business, reflecting your brand’s prowess. With captivating content you can improve your social media connections, encouraging more conversions and fetching increased revenue.

However, if you are struggling with how to manage and employ your content to generate sales or meet your business goals, this blog will guide you through. We have shared valuable content marketing tips to enlighten you with the best content marketing practices. So, the next time you decide to post content, keep these guidelines in mind for purposeful results.

Strategy That Works

Set Your Goals

Before even beginning to create content marketing strategy, you have to understand your goals. Why are you designing the content? What are your expectations from it? Or what do you intend to achieve from your content? To simplify it, you have to identify your objectives, which will help you to define your targets. 

You may have multiple goals, like promoting brand awareness, generating leads, increasing sales, etc. So, what you do now is organise these goals according to their priorities. It will enable you to determine the strategies you need to focus on immediately and the ones that can be left for the future. Streamlining is what you call this process. It sets out the foundation of your plan!

Comprehend Your Target Audience

Defining your target audience is one of the crucial elements of content marketing for beginners. It often concurs with your buyer persona and social media persona. The buyer persona refers to the detailed information of a set of people who represent your target audience. Similarly, a social media persona implies the data of your target audience derived from social media accounts. It is a fictional concept based on in-depth research of your existing or target market. 

When you analyse your buyer’s needs, you can produce more relevant and valuable content by understanding their likes and dislikes. In other words, your content will become more engaging and can successfully lead to conversions once you start prioritizing their preferences.   

*There is a 124% increase in sales leads with a targeted content marketing strategy (Skytap).

*56% of companies generated higher quality leads with buyer persona (Marketing Insider Group).

*In Intel, buyer personas surpassed campaign benchmarks by 75%. These were 48% more cost-effective than average campaigns (DemandGen Report).  

The above insights pretty effectively demonstrate the impact of buyer persona on content marketing. To refine your research on buyer personas, you can analyze standard demographics like age, gender, location, and income. Or you can conduct market research and revisit your audience parameters. It will help you to ascertain the recent trends.  

Research Your Competition

Who are you competing with? What is the market competition for your industry? Until you are aware of the challenges you will face from your competitors, you cannot implement a successful content marketing plan. It applies not only to the contemporary mode of competition but also to other sources like entertainment sites, news, references and so on. 

For competitive content marketing analysis, research the market thoroughly and make a note of the following things:

  • Get a list of your content marketing competitors.
  • Receive an insight into their content formats, level of content investment, and the relevance and significance of keywords and topics.
  • Assess the quality and quantity of content based on engagement and popularity. You can review the likes, shares, and comments to understand content performance.
  • Lastly, evaluate each piece of content, including tags, titles, descriptions, and topics. 

Thus, you will end up deconstructing your competitor’s content marketing strategies! It will help you to comprehend their strengths and shortcomings. Isn’t that a great work? You can utilize these inputs to formulate your content marketing best practices. As a result, there is a fair chance you can win over your competitors and gain an upper hand in the race! 

Create a Content Calendar

Once you have done your homework and have created some extraordinary pieces of content, it is time to publish them. But before letting them go public, you have one more work to do! Plan and organize your content to manage it effectively. You must note that you have to constantly keep publishing blogs, articles, guest posts, etc. to stay in the limelight. The audiences must always have new information from your company to retain their engagement. 

So, a content calendar or publishing calendar helps to schedule the publication dates, which streamlines the process considerably. It boosts productivity and ensures easy collaboration. You acquire consistency and increased ROI from content marketing, which earns you a competitive advantage. Apart from this, you can track your performance and productivity to modify your plans. 

According to Curata research, over 90% of companies now use a content marketing calendar.  

Hence, content marketing is not limited to content creation but, it also includes the effective management of the same. Content calendars are available in multiple structures incorporated within the project management software. You can effortlessly track the performance of your various content arrangements. 

Promote Your Content

So, now you are all set to publish your content! All your hard work is going to get public across the digital platform. Recheck your content before publishing it. Check the quality, which should be relevant and informational, and put the keywords strategically to ensure search engines can easily index it. It will make your content more visible, attracting increased audiences.

Remember, publication is not enough to drive traffic. You must promote your content through various channels. Promotion is essential because:

  • It creates brand awareness and reputation.
  • It enables you to become a part of the conversation.
  • Others can share your content via multiple sources.

As one of the vital steps to develop content marketing strategy, enhanced exposure through promotion is imperative. How do you promote your content?

  • Social Media-You can directly share on your page or to somebody else’s. 77% of businesses use social media for promotions. While 76% of social media users have purchased products or services after they saw something on the same. Instagram (74.70%), Facebook (71.20%), Twitter (42.90%), LinkedIn (35.70%), Moj (29.50%), and Pinterest (29%) are popular social media platforms in India.
  • Email Broadcast- Whether you send a newsletter or a drip campaign, you can share your content in whichever way you prefer. 
  • Blog- A blog is probably one of the best places to promote your content because it will stay! Newsletter subscriptions, articles, or eBooks, everything is going to live on your blog.
  • Online Communities- Quora, Reddit, and Growthhackers are the popular online communities that have secured a credible spot in the audience’s mind. Through these communities, you can answer queries and link your content as approving evidence. 
  • Rewards or Referral Programs- Often, you may have noticed referral ads like subscribing to a channel or referring to a friend and receiving a discount or reward. Such promotions are beneficial because recommendations always earn the vote of confidence! 
  • Guest Posts- A potential way to generate backlinks is guest blogging. You can link your post with your website which will drive traffic from other reliable sources. Guest blogging can result in a 20% increase in traffic to the guest blogger’s website (Social Marketing Writing). Also, the majority of 65% of backlinks are achieved through guest posts (Outreach Monks). 
  • Paid Ads- Paid ads on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter are an incredible source of pushing your content close to your target audience. These ads can do wonders, provided you have created gripping content!

Track Your Results

Finally, you have reached almost the end of the discussion. The last step to create content marketing strategy which is influential is monitoring and improvising. You will have to track the performance of your content to understand its effectiveness and explore the scope of improvements. To derive effective results from your content, regular monitoring is essential.

As discussed earlier, the goal of content marketing varies from business to business. So, the performance metrics differ according to the objectives. It depends considerably on the following KPIs:

  • Revenue Generation
  • Brand Awareness
  • Audience Engagement
  • Audience Retention
  • Leads Origination

Therefore, assessing these KPIs will help you learn what is working and what is not working for you. It is a prerequisite to refine and upgrade your strategy over time.

Wrapping Up

Content market strategy is more than creating and publishing content. As you can derive from the points above, it involves a lot of planning, organizing, and scheduling, which goes behind the success of an influential scheme. Thus, it is not a single shot; it is a continuous process. From establishing the foundation of your strategy to managing your content, you will not miss out on anything if you carefully follow the content marketing guide. We hope you will soon develop a robust plan and pave your way to achieving your goals! After all, content marketing costs up to 40% less per lead than paid search.

For more such insightful discussions, sign up for our newsletter or download the free content marketing checklist from

 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Is content marketing effective?

Ans. As a part of the overall digital marketing strategy, 73% of B2B marketers and 70% of B2C marketers use content marketing (Content Marketing Institute). Studies also reveal that 91% of businesses accomplished success with content marketing (SEMrush). So, yes, content marketing is substantially beneficial to build connections and reach your target audiences who can be your prospective leads.

Q.  What is the goal of content marketing?

Ans. The goal of content marketing varies from business to business. Primarily, it focuses on creating and promoting informational and relevant content consistently to attract and retain a specific group of audience.

 Q. What are the core elements of a successful content marketing strategy?

Ans. The fundamental elements of an effective content marketing strategy are the goal of content marketing, audience personas, competition analysis, content management, promotion activities, and tracking KPIs.

 Q. How do I measure the success of my content marketing strategy?

Ans. The fundamental metrics to measure the effectiveness of content marketing strategy are web traffic, audience engagement, content sharing, leads and conversions, and revenue generation.


Digital Marketing Strategies: A Complete Guide For 2024

Digital Marketing strategies 2024

We are almost at the end of 2023 and here we are all set to begin the New Year with soaring hopes that good times are ahead and we will witness some extraordinary progress in digital marketing. This year, digital marketing experienced remarkable milestones like AI and machine learning, immersive experiences, short form video content, and live streaming.

We are glad the evolving technologies have transformed the digital landscape drastically, and we are advancing towards exploring diverse platforms. Indeed, it has helped businesses and other organizations establish their brand while increasing the traffic reach. 

Nonetheless, the digital competition is ever-growing, and it is highly challenging to thrive in the market until you stay updated with emerging trends and tactics. Effective digital marketing service can help you generate leads and sales while winning the rat race!

So today, we will propose you a complete guide about how you can create a successful digital marketing plan for 2024. Our topic of discussion focuses on:

What is Digital Marketing, and Why do Businesses Need It

A digital marketing plan is an online marketing technique focusing on attracting audiences, promoting a brand, generating leads, and boosting conversions. It helps to recognize the marketing goals, analyze the competitive landscape and define various channels that help to perform such digital activities. 

For businesses of any size, digital marketing is a prerequisite for growth and expansion. A well-structured digital marketing plan proposes numerous benefits. These include:

  • It helps you to recognize your business goals and align the marketing efforts accordingly.
  • Offering a direction to your marketing campaigns and activities.
    Enabling effective budget and resource allocation.
  • Choosing the best digital marketing practice for your business.
  • Tracking results and measuring ROI whenever required.

Hence, all we can say is that without a proper digital marketing strategy, you do not have an effective business plan. A coherent digital marketing plan is the foundation for analytical online growth. In other words, it is the driving force behind accomplishing business objectives! For a streamlined overall marketing plan, you must begin with the digital realm.

Key Elements of Digital Marketing

Creating an impactful digital marketing plan requires some serious groundwork. No, we do not intend to scare you! But yes, without a proper strategic approach, you will surely fail! It is not a one-man’s job, and neither does it happen overnight. You require a competent team who knows the changing trends and the competitive landscape.

However, if you are a beginner trying to understand the scope of digital marketing, we have explained the fundamental elements that comprise an effective digital marketing strategy. Let’s have a look.

  • Outline Marketing Goals

Goals are the objectives that you target to accomplish through your marketing campaigns. It differs from business to business. Without acknowledging your marketing goals, you cannot figure out the ideal strategy that will work for you. Whether it is increasing visibility, attracting traffic, or generating leads, you must know what you want to achieve. It helps in proffering direction to your marketing plan.

  • Define Buyer Persona

Understand the interests and behaviour of your target audience for a more impactful approach. When you gather insights into the demographics, motivations, digital behaviour, and challenges of your audience, you can easily craft a strategy that will meet their requirements.

  • SWOT Analysis

SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It enables evaluating your company’s online presence as you gain insights into the bigger picture. SWOT analysis is necessary to address shortcomings and make improvements.

  • List Current Digital Assets

Assess your current digital assets like websites, blog posts, articles, social media channels, etc. You can ideally optimize and improvise them to help them achieve better results.

  • Recognize Brand Value

Comprehend your brand value as perceived by consumers through online content, services, products, and experiences. You can consider them when formulating your digital marketing strategy. It will enhance the relative performance.

  • Choose Digital Channels

Not all digital channels can reach your target audience. Opt for the channels that leverage your niche audience, marketing goals, and resources. Organic search, social media, display advertisements, email, affiliates, etc., are the popular digital channels.

  • Create Content Strategy

Content can be of different types, like text, image, audio, and video. So, determine the type of content that will serve your purpose of attracting and engaging your audience.

  • Assign Content Calendar

Schedule your content publication dates to ensure they are consistent to keep your audience engaged. Calculate the frequency of content publication strategically to keep things always on the plate.

  • Conform Budget

Allocate your budget to diverse marketing strategies, including campaigns, to ensure your expenses are not too high and complement the ROI. Do not go overboard!

  • Track Performance

Monitor and track the performance of your digital marketing efforts using various analytics and metrics to ensure you are not losing the race! In other words, you require tracking performance to understand if your efforts are working and improvise them accordingly.

Now, we have all the elements that contribute to an impactful digital marketing strategy to boost lead generation and sales. It is time we focus on the fundamental tactics that constitute digital marketing. These are the tried-and-tested practices that make up your marketing efforts.

Principal Digital Marketing Tactics

After you have settled on your marketing plan, the next big thing is to determine the tactics or practices you will implement. While there are multiple digital marketing tactics, you must choose the ones that suffice your goals and objectives.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Digital marketing is incomplete without SEO. You may have an attractive website, but you cannot make it rank until you optimize its on-page and off-page elements. It includes the content, title, meta descriptions, URL, links, and other essential components.

Optimizing your website helps in better search result ranking, attracting more organic traffic. Thus, you receive enhanced visibility and higher chances of lead generation. Since any online query begins with a search, SEO marketing is the ultimate tool to conquer the search engine results. It is a vital digital marketing practice.

  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

These are paid advertisements on Google, Bing, Facebook, and other social media platforms which deliver your message right in front of people looking for similar products or services. In such a type of online advertising, you pay the publisher every time a user clicks on your advertisement link.

PPC is beneficial when you want to actively promote your products or services to a targeted audience. You can set a maximum budget and improvise your ad as you wish. Also, PPC management is an ideal choice when your website does not have a good search result ranking.

  • Content Marketing

Promoting content across diverse digital platforms establishes brand authority and retains existing clients. Blogs, guest posts, articles, press releases, videos, and audio are powerful means of attracting audiences.

However, you must create engaging and resourceful content that builds interest among the audiences and fulfils their requirements. Content marketing encourages brand awareness and improves visibility in search engines. Also, you receive referral traffic, boosting lead generation.

  • Email Marketing

If you want to induce a personalized touch to your marketing campaigns, email marketing serves the purpose effectively. You can follow up with your existing clients and communicate with your audience. From conducting surveys to collecting feedback, email marketing lets you do everything!

Today, with the increased focus on personalized user experience, email marketing has become a popular tool for online marketing. You can reach the right people at the right time with the right attitude.

  • Social Media Marketing

With numerous social media channels springing up almost every day, it has become one of the easiest ways to convey messages or promote brands. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and we have more to name!

Newsfeed posts or paid advertisements- these social media channels help you to reach a large section of audiences and you can establish a direct connection with them. Social media marketing is a reliable medium for encouraging brand awareness and traffic drive.

  • Affiliate Marketing

Another digital marketing practice that has been gaining popularity in recent times is affiliate marketing. All you have to do is partner with other businesses or influencers to promote your brand to their audiences. However, you pay a commission for the leads and sales generated.

The primary benefits of affiliate marketing are low investment, no need for expertise, convenience and flexibility, and no need to worry about customer service. Thus, you enjoy the independence of a second-hand income!

  • Remarketing

Remarketing helps you to stay connected with the audiences who have already visited your website. In other words, you can target those audiences who have showcased interest in your products or services but ultimately did not purchase.

These are highly targeted ads that often display a call-to-action feature. Remarketing assures higher conversion rates with low CPC. The ROI is maximum as well.

  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Optimize the conversion rate through improving user experience. These include page speed, navigation, landing pages, web content, forms, checkouts, and other website features. With minimal bounce rates, you enjoy increased audience engagement.

CRO aids higher search result rankings as it helps you to understand your audiences better. Finally, you generate higher sales and more profits.

These are the most valuable tactics employed in digital marketing to accomplish business goals.

Tips for a Successful Digital Marketing Plan

While you are crafting your online marketing plan, consider the following guidelines to ensure you receive optimal benefits:

digital marketing plan tips
  • Competitor Analysis- Determine the strengths and weaknesses of your competitor through meticulous research and assessment. It will enable you to recognize where you need to put your efforts.
  • Detailed Budget Plan- Allocate budgets for individual marketing campaigns, including content and launches. You can streamline your expenses easily.
  • Content Customization- Create and promote personalized content, laying optimal impact on the audience. Be creative and indulge in connecting with your audience.  
  • Content Promotion- Ensure you have multiple promotion channels for maximum reach and visibility. The more you promote, the more you become popular.
  • Schedule Dates- Plan the dates for content publications and campaign promotions for an organized and influential impact. It must be consistent to keep the buzz alive!
  • Choose Promotion Channels- Identify the target channels where most of your audiences spend time. You know where to invest your money and efforts.
  • Leverage Automation- For a streamlined execution of your marketing plan, take the help of digital tools. It offers you the freedom to stay away from hassles!
  • Assess New Formats- Implement new formats in your marketing campaign to stir things up. You can try short videos and live streaming which are the hottest selling cupcakes!
  • Track Emerging Trends- The digital space is constantly changing. So, upgrade your plan frequently to stay ahead.
  • Adapt and Evolve- Adapt to the changing algorithms and refine your strategies. Be dynamic and active!

A successful digital marketing plan reflects the right mix of audience insights, channel promotions, optimization, and testing to accomplish your comprehensive business goals.

Emerging Digital Marketing Trends in 2024

Moving into 2024, we are about to witness several new trends that will open up the scope for new experiences with enhanced results. Let us focus on the latest developments that are soon to dominate the digital arena.

Video Marketing

Video continues to expand its operation across multiple platforms because of its higher engagement factor. A video easily captures the audience’s mind and induces a long-term impact. It also promotes audience reach while increasing conversion rates exponentially.

Instagram Reels, TikTok, or YouTube, you can promote video content in numerous ways. Indeed, it is a worthwhile tool for attracting audiences.

Voice Search Optimization

Voice assistants like Siri and Amazon Echo have transformed the mode of online search! No more do we need to type our query in the search box. A voice command will do the job!

Through voice search optimization, you can enhance user experience through easy and hands-free operation. It is one of the newest developments in digital marketing, and we hope to see more of it in the coming year.

Conversational Marketing

Messaging apps like WhatsApp and chatbots enable personalized experiences as they engage customers in conversations. It relies on one-to-one interactions in real-time across diverse channels. Thus, you can encourage improved customer relationships through online interactions.

The principal benefit of conversational marketing is it enhances customer experience helping you to retain them. It is the ideal foundation for developing long-term relations secured by trust and credibility.

Inclusive Marketing

Diversity is the current trend in every sphere. So why not in digital marketing? Inclusive marketing reflects diversity in all forms. These include age, gender, appearance, ethnicity, language, religion, physical/mental ability, and socio-economic status.

The purpose of inclusive marketing is to recognize that your audience belongs to various groups, and you cannot distinguish them. In other words, it encompasses diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

Performance Marketing

When you pay your advertising agency after a certain action takes place, like a click, impression, or sale, it is known as performance marketing. Hence, it relies entirely on the result or performance of your ad campaign.

Performance marketing is a low-investment digital marketing strategy where you get measurable results. You can measure everything, including brand awareness, conversion rate, and the performance of a single ad. So, performance marketing is a digital marketing strategy driven by results.

Digital Events

Hosting webinars, virtual events, and interactive live streams is becoming extensively popular with the impact of mass digitalization. Today, such online interactive sessions have encouraged more people to access the Internet and search for relevant queries.

The best part of hosting digital events is that your audiences can access them from anywhere in the world. They do not have to be physically present at the event site.

Hyper-Personalized Experience

It is the most advanced way a brand can customize its marketing campaign for individual audiences. Hyper-personalization encourages experience matched to each user. AI, automation, data, and analytics offer a hyper-personalized experience.

It is the future of digital marketing, where brands can create and deliver content based on individual needs.

Privacy-Focused Marketing

Establishing trust and credibility is the primary focus of any brand. Privacy-focused marketing has come along a long way to achieve it. You put your user privacy before anything else! Zero-party data vs third-party data collection is the proven tactic for privacy-first marketing.

The practice helps in protecting consumer data from mismanagement. So, your consumers develop more trust and loyalty towards your brand, promoting intimacy. 


Undoubtedly, digital marketing is a vast realm with endless possibilities. With every passing year, we are witnessing enormous advancements that pose a potential impact on our everyday lives. And we are yet again on the verge of starting another year with high expectations!

 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Why do I need a digital marketing strategy?

A. A digital marketing strategy is the foundation of setting a robust online presence essential for establishing brand awareness and targeting a niche audience. Today, a digital presence is the key to unlocking opportunities like attracting traffic, qualified lead generation, and increasing conversion rates.

Q. How to create a digital marketing strategy?

A. To create an effective digital marketing strategy, you must identify your marketing objectives first, followed by recognizing buyer persona. Once you are aware of them, choose your marketing channels and allocate a budget. Schedule the promotion dates and monitor the results- you are all set!

Q. What are the popular digital marketing tools?

A. Some popular digital marketing tools are Google Analytics, SEMrush, Hootsuite, Canva, and Mailchimp.

Q. What is included in a digital marketing campaign?

 A. A digital marketing campaign involves planning, optimizing, executing, and monitoring.


HTTPS or HTTP: Which Is Better For SEO Today?

In March 2014, Matt Cutts, an American software engineer and is the former head of the web spam team at Google, gave the audience at SMX West a tip that making a site secure (SSL encryption ) was going to trend in 2014. He wanted to make sure that sites that utilize SSL encryption would see a ranking boost within Google, but at the time there were some individuals at Google that did not agree with him. But, only a couple of weeks ago, Google announced that using SSL encryption will provide sites a ranking boost within Googles search engine results pages (SERPs). Google also stated that the prime reason behind this move was over security and that they have started to see more and more webmasters adopting HTTPS.

If you have been doing online searches, you’ve probably noticed both HTTP and HTTPS sites. What is the difference between the two, and is it vital in terms of online marketing? In this informative post, we are going to tell everything, so read till the end.


  • HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HTTP is a system for transmitting and receiving information over the Internet. HTTP, an application layer protocol, that means its focus is on how information is presented to the user. But, this option doesn’t care how data gets from Point X to Point Y.

  • HTTPS: Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol

The S at the end of the HTTP part of an URL means the website is secure. HTTPS was developed to let authorization and secured transactions. Also, exchanging confidential information requires to be secured so as to prevent unauthorized access, and HTTPS makes this happen. HTTPS is identical to HTTP in many ways, as it follows the same basic protocols. But, HTTPS provides an extra layer of security as it uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to move data. So, we can say HTTPS is just the secure version of HTTP. So, if users are guaranteed to have a secure website experience, then the answer to HTTP vs HTTPS becomes simple and they will prefer HTTPS.

Some Quick Facts about Secure Sites:

  1. About 85% users would abandon a purchase if the data sent over an insecure (HHTP) connection, indicating that the site insecurity could impact sales.
  2. Google Chrome labels HHTP sites as insecure and warning users that the connection is not secure.
  3. HTTPS websites load faster than HTTP and websites with faster loading speeds are more likely to rank better in search engines.
  4. About 40% of Google page one organic listing are HTTPS
  5. Since 2014, HTTPS has been a signal in Google’s Ranking Algorithm
  6. Over 50% of all desktop page loads are HTTPS connections, which is an all-time high.

SEO Advantages Of Switching To HTTPS

Switching to HTTPS will benefit you and the security of your site. Below are some key benefits:


HTTPS includes security for your SEO goals and website by preventing tampering by third parties as well as making your site more secure for visitors. Apart from this, the encryption in the communication and URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) protects the transaction and browsing histories.


When compared to the blogs that do not run on SSL, you get high click through rate. We know that Click through Rate plays a big role in ranking boost.


A lot of people believe that HTTPS provides protection only to websites using sensitive passwords. We really want to tell them that is it wrong. Even regular content sites benefit from SSL encryption. It affirms the website is the one the Web server must be conversing with.


Back in 2014, it was confirmed by Google that the slight ranking boost of HTTPS sites. Therefore, SEOs and webmasters need to keep this point in mind.

The Process For Switching To HTTPS From HTTP?

The basic steps are:

1) Purchase an SSL certificate and a dedicated IP address from your web hosting company,

2) Install and configure the SSL certificate,

3) Configure any hard internal links within your website, from HTTP to HTTPS,

4) Update any code libraries (Like JavaScript, Ajax, etc) and any third-party plugins,

5) Redirect any external links you control to HTTP,

6) Update access applications to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS,

7) update your CDN’s SSL settings if you are using a content delivery network (CDN),

8) Implement 301 redirects on a page-by-page basis,

9) Update any links you use in marketing automation tools,

10) Update any landing pages and paid search links and

11) Set up an HTTPS site in Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

You shouldn’t be worried about switching HTTPS from HTTP as far as SEO is taken up. Google has been advising web administrators it is safe to do so for years now.


Why Your SEO Efforts Fails

Implementing the search engine optimization strategies is not sufficient for getting you on first page of the search results of Google.

With and effective SEO plan there are good chances that it is not working properly just like you hoped.

There’re various reasons because of which your SEO strategies might fail in getting you the coveted first page.

Below are some of the most common mistakes which you need to avoid:

1. You are not choosing the right keywords

Stating the best keyword for your business may be a little difficult, especially when you are working in a populated category.

Some of the most common keyword related mistakes include employing the single word keywords in place of the long tail keywords hoping to be noticed employing the popular keyword and targeting the keywords which are specific or not specific.

To give you the clear picture for “Trademark” searches, you can see that Google provided different results and not pretty sure that whether a person is looking for trademark agent, trademark services OR only wants to collect some information for trademark.

So if you notice the results here, it’s clear that unless you’re having a big brand company at the international level, it is really tough to get into the first page of Google search results.

You should choose the keywords which are specific for describing your business well but sufficiently broad that they would be typed in the search bar.

2. You are not employing the digital marketing tool

The digital marketing tool helps you in seeing what’s working for you and what is not so that you know where are your strategies strong and where you need assistance. Here are list of top free digital marketing tools that would help for any webmasters to run a successful campaign:

  • Google Trends
  • Google Keywords Planner
  • Google Analytics
  • Ahrefs
  • Similar Web
  • Opensite Explorer by Moz
  • Majestic SEO
  • Google Webmaster
  • SEMrush
  • SEO Profiler

Everything from goal trackers to analytic trackers fall under data visualization tool categories and all are important when you wish to see all your SEO efforts to succeed.

In case you’re just measuring success of all your SEO strategies through a rise in your business, you might not realize the results that you are anticipating. Optimizing the content of the website takes some time, efforts as well as continuous improvements. Treating SEO as one time project would just do this much and it is quite less.

An introduction to networking courses would offer you a competitive advantage required to fully grasping any kind of server related problem flagged on the website of your business. You should not let your efforts fail as you are not adjusting and adapting.

3. You are not targeting the right customers

Your SEO strategies need to keep revolving around what the customers or the potential customers look for while they require your products or services. In case you do not understand your customers, your SEO strategies would definitely fail.

Targeting wrong audience would not enhance your business even when your SEO strategies put you at the top on results of the search engines. Similarly, if you aren’t appearing in results of the search engine, people searching for your organization would not be able to look for you.

Take your time for understanding the various factors in getting right customers for your site. An old customer would not search the internet the similar way that a teenager would. Your keywords should represent the correct audience that brings you good business.

Getting right SEO strategies takes the method of trial and error. With a good amount of attention and less adjusting, you would be able to find your own way towards the very first page of the results of the search engine.


9 Crucial Strategies to Boost Mobile App Store Ranking

Heard about ASO? ASO or App Store Optimization is the process of utilizing optimization strategies on mobile apps to rank them higher in an app stores search results. The higher your ranking in the app store, the better visible your app would be to potential users/customers which in turn would lead to higher downloads. The first thing that Apps Optimization India requires is a crucial understanding of the target customer base. For developers, it is important to know the keywords their potential customers are using to search for apps similar to the concerned app.

According to Forrester, 63% of apps are discovered through app store searches. This means that the best way for your app to get discovered is via app searches. We provide you with 9 crucial strategies to boost your app rankings in order to get discovered.

1. The App Design Elements

The icon/symbol of your app is the first thing that a user sees on stumbling upon your app. The icon you choose should be engaging enough to compel the user to open the app and download it. The icon should be such that it represents the essence of your app and clearly describes the function your app accomplishes. When it comes to the design of the app, the major focus should be on visuals and a user-friendly, easy-to-use interface. The app functionalities should be easily navigable and the aesthetics should be eye soothing.

2. App Downloads

Under the normal scenario, an app from any App store company initially requires about 5k to 10k downloads in a short amount of time. Upon gaining a such number of downloads, the app starts appearing as a ranked app. This demands that you take necessary steps to increase inbound to your app homepage or the product page. You can resort to SEO (Search Engine Optimization), PPC (Pay Per Click), email marketing, or cross-channel collaborative efforts. You need to zero-in on the marketing strategies that would attract most of your potential customers.

3. App Description & Screenshots

The description of the app should be such that it clearly describes the task it is bound to accomplish. Try to highlight the significant technical features that differentiate your app that other existing similar apps. Your app description should create a value for your app that conveys a positive image.

Secondly, you must always resort to the use of related keywords and learn more tactics about how to do ASO. It is mandatory for developers to carry out market research to establish the most common keywords that your potential customers use while looking for a similar app as yours. Better the keywords in your description, better the relevance your app would gain during searches, and more would be the app downloads.

Moreover, the description of your app should consist of appropriate screenshots that depict the specialties of your app. Screenshots should be used to confer the technical strengths and qualities of your app that cannot be easily depicted via words. It is a proven fact that if the UI of the app is phenomenal, the chances of it getting downloaded is higher. And what better way to showcase your UI skills than through screenshots?

4. Social Media Integration

Social media has become an indispensable part of ones life which makes it the best place to keep in touch with your users and also gain new users. Keep your users and potential customers engaged and in interaction with you by promoting your app in the online communities. The online communities provide a perfect platform to build a relationship with your customers and earn their loyalty. You need to create trendy, eye-catching content for the social media sites that would attract customers. The social media marketing strategies that you design should not be over-promotional but yet describe the best features of your app. Your content should be such that it creates a necessity for people to download your app.

5. Consistency

The next thing that people look for in an app is active user/download consistencies through mobile application store optimization. Once you have reached a threshold for initial app downloads, you should aim to maintain a consistency of around 20k new users each month until you have reached a stage where you no longer need to draw attention to your app but people themselves come to download the app.

6. Valuable Reviews

Gaining genuine valuable reviews from users with a positive experience enables new apps to build their credibility. This encourages people to download the app. Apart from depicting a high recommendation status for the app, reviews also showcase the apps ability to climb up the ranking ladder. In the same way, a number of poor reviews would lead to a decrease in your app’s ranking.

Another thing that developers should keep in mind is to never publish fabricated or fake reviews as they reflect poorly on your intentions. There have been cases where such reviews have led to the suspension of the app from numerous app stores.

7. Essential upgrades

Reviews and suggestions that your users provide are a great way to launch new upgrades for your app. This enables you to continue providing the best experience possible for your users, as well as continue maintaining your app ranking. App developers should aim to implement updates on a monthly basis and maintain the effectiveness of their app. Also, being consistent on the introduction of new upgrades depicts a dedication to offering optimal user experience. As they say, make your customers happy, and you are happy!

8. App Indexing

App Indexing is another method of mobile app optimization that enables users to improve their rankings on the app store. App Indexing is a method that allows Google to index apps just like it does with websites. Direct links to the apps appear in Google Search results, where users can just click the content and reach the apps product page on the App store. So basically, for a simple Google search, content within certain app product page will also be displayed as results.

9. Understanding of the App Stores

Before you launch your app in any app store, you should understand the differences they possess and latest ASO techniques. Both the Apple app store and Google play have key differences that a developer should be well-versed with. Both the app stores serve the same purpose of being a platform for launching apps, but each put a stronger emphasis on different aspects of the app. It is vital to completely understand the differences in order for the app developer to efficiently optimize their app within the app store. For example, Google Play relies much more on the description of the app than Apple store does, while the Apple app store considers keywords as a better indicator of relevance.

To conclude, generating consistent downloads for your app might not be the easiest task but following the principles of app store optimization would surely enable you to climb the ranking ladder within the app store. Always remember to utilize marketing strategies and best ASO services that are in-line with your potential customers so that you are better able to connect with them. Also, keep an eye on changing market trends to provide a continuous stream of efficient app upgrades for your customers. So, use these critical strategies to boost your app rankings and gain positive reviews and make some serious app sales/revenues.


What Is High-Quality Content?

So, everyone is recommending you to post quality content but do you know what is quality content? Don’t be confused we are here to help you. If we have to describe high-quality content in a single word that we can say that high-quality content is an experience. Yes, it is an EXPERIENCE, you prepare content in terms of videos, text, images to provide a better experience for your audience. But still, there are few characteristics of quality content that has to be taken care today –

Good Content Appeal To The Heart

Create an emotional touch with your audience. They must know how much you are caring about them and intend to help them with your products or services. Don’t forget that emotions are the great invention of god and it decides either you love someone, ignore someone or hate.

Shareable Content

When your content is full of practical values, entertain users and interested. It becomes sharable for users. You have to think why people share content of influencers in your niche and next to develop content in terms of getting engaged. Ask your self would you share content on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook or any other social profile. If your answer is YES then its cool you have developed sharable content.

Relevant To The Target Audience

Content is written for a specified audience always performs better than content written for a broad audience. Always remember it if you want to get competitive advantages than you will have to be more specific. Its more appreciable If you show multiple points and research to your targeted audience with the help of images, videos, info-graphics, case-studies, presentation etc.

Encourage Desired Action

Your content becomes more valuable once you add some action to your audience. Your audience will remember you if you engage them with some interesting actions and even when you answer them.

Build Relationships

The strong content work as a invitations to build more relationship with your audience. Each of your replies at your audience comments builds a relationship with you and your audience. This engagement force readers to revisit website to find more from you and also there is less chance they ignore post shared by you on social channels.

Search engine optimized

Search Engine Optimization plays a key role to increase search engine visibility of your content. Make sure to follow Google search engine guidelines. It will make it easier for the search engine to crawl and index your website content in search and artificial intelligence will do its job.


Well, You must have one goal to provide the better experience to your users by serving your web pages in search engine.


All You Need to Know About WordPress Development

WordPress was emerged as simple blogging platform in year 2003, but it has been mature, stable and most widely used on the internet. This is the reason why most of successful businesses run on WordPress.

Why WordPress Development is necessary?

If you go and ask any pro-blogger about the best ever blogging platform, then you will get the answer as WordPress and same you will get from high class businesses. WordPress has transformed itself into feature rich and efficient web development platform after some recent developments and has been capable of supporting any kind of websites. The best ever thing about the WordPress CMS is that it is open source software which simply allows you to edit and tweak it as per your need and requirement rather than spending a lot of time to develop it from scratch.

WordPress has established itself as one of the most trusted web development platform in very less span of time and can be used to build any kind of website irrespective of their complexity and size. The CMS has been immense popular so that many companies have put their hands into customization of WordPress with premium theme and plugin development. WordPress is a constantly evolving platform that simply means it will provide you regular updates and support. Along with all these things WordPress has a huge support community which offers a significant role in creating platform more flexible, powerful and easy to use.

A WordPress Development consist of following essential elements:

  • Open source CMS Development

WordPress is an Open source software and lets you tweak with its system. You can create your own functional website or plugins system with the open source CMS development.

  • Installation and configuration
  • The other major development essential of WordPress includes the installation and configuration of WordPress on different hosting and servers.
  • Support and maintenance– Designing is not just enough until it is not fully taken care of the periodic maintenance.
  • WordPress web development– WordPress can be used to develop any kind of website and blogs for any purpose and in any design with proper functionalities.
  • WordPress theme development Themes are backbone of WordPress websites. There are many free themes available on WordPress but you can develop and use premium theme to provide your website a pro looking structure.
  • Custom plugin development– Like Themes, plugins also plays essential role in WordPress SEO and Website development. A custom plugin can be designed to do several functionalities that can be tough to code by many designers.
  • WordPress responsive web development– You can devise the ways to reach to the larger base of the audience by providing our WordPress responsive web development. A responsive website is most suited for any kind of device to run your website.
  • WordPress template Design– Templates are good enough to give the best look to your website and we will give you that look by our WordPress template design method. This will give your website a Unique and exceptional look.

Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Coaching Institutes

Coaching institutes are a cardinal part of every student’s life. However, with the exponential use of online platforms,  coaching institutes need to mark a prominent digital presence. Nonetheless, convenience is what every aspirant seeks today.

digital marketing for coaching

So, how should you market your coaching institute on the digital platform? Here is a checklist providing insight into the matter.

  • Perform Thorough Market Analysis- Even though you have a website, securing the top rank in the search results is challenging amidst a pool of competitors. Therefore, before building up your strategy, check out the competitive landscape. You can learn about the latest trends, the ranking keywords, competitor’s promotional activities, and the setbacks you can improvise on.
  • Get Local Citations- According to statistics, about 98% of consumers look for local businesses online. This number includes students as well. Hence, create an attractive Google My Business profile and list your academy on various online directories like AcademyCheck & JustDial. Remember to publish accurate information and include addresses and phone numbers. Keep updating the listing & improve ratings to earn a higher rank and increase visibility. Dedicated coaching search portals like AcademyCheck can also provide direct student leads for admission.
  • Leverage Content Marketing- Blogging and article publishing are incredible ways to attract students. From success stories of your students to informational posts, optimize your content to exhibit your expertise and authority in the domain. It helps in building inbound links and actively encouraging lead generation.
  • Email Marketing- There are around 4 billion daily email users and the number is expected to rise to 4.6 billion by 2025 (Statistica). This is because email is one of the fastest and easiest ways to reach your target audience. Also, it offers an exclusive personalized experience, boosting audience engagement and promoting long-term relationships.
  • Social Media Integration- Can anybody deny the extensive use of social media channels? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or YouTube- almost everyone has an account. And students perhaps contribute to the largest section! News feeds to campaigns- no matter what you prefer, do focus on social media exposure.
  • Quora Marketing- Answering questions on Quora is a simple yet effective approach to driving organic traffic and boosting your search result rank. Adding links to your website in your Quora post will enhance its potency.
  • Paid Advertising- For so long, we have been talking about driving organic traffic. You can also implement pay-per-click (PPC) ads to receive instant results. Google ads and Facebook ads are popular PPC advertising channels delivering optimal results.

Your website is the first place anybody will learn about your products or services. Hence, the focus is to establish a significant digital impact that will deliver relevant and valuable information to your target audiences. We hope this piece will help you scale your business and establish a noteworthy online reputation.